Pre season training will start on Wednesday 10th August with a run session starting and finishing at my house. The run will be 4 miles at an easy pace. The route is one we have done before (details in the link below)...
Football is an endurance sport and you will cover between 8-10km in most games. If you can outrun the opposition this will give you an advantage. Being fit enough to play will also mean you are better able to perform. You need to be fit to play football not get fit by playing. Before the season starts each of you needs to have a target of being able to run at least 10km. It doesn't matter how long this takes just whether or not you can do it.
It's 3 weeks until 10th August; use that time to get fit for 4 miles. After that we will increase the distance each week. Towards the end of August we'll start with some ball work and proper practice.